I want to make a PUT request.
I need some headers of my own ( certificates etc ) and I need to mandatorily
use a proxy.
Also the url is of the form http://www.xyz.com/abc and I don't have
permission to put data
on http://www.xyz.com while I do have permission to put data on

I tried httplib, httplib2, urllib2 with no avail.
I managed to do this via command line curl:

$ curl http:/xyz.com/testing/shashwat/test.txt -T test.txt -H "sw-version:
1.0" -H
--proxy proxy.xyz.com:3128 -H "Content-Type:text/plain"

Is there a way to do it in python apart from using command line curl in
The machine is RHEL4 and is giving hard time installing pycurl.

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