On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Josh English
<joshua.r.engl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> According to the docs, I should be able to put a file in the site-packages 
> directory called xmldb.pth pointing anywhere else on my drive to include the 
> package. I'd like to use this to direct Python to include the version in the 
> dev folder and not the site-packages folder.

The name of the .pth file is not important.  Python uses it to add
locations to sys.path; it doesn't care what packages might be
contained at those locations.

> So my C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\xmldb.pth file has one line:
> c:\dev\XmlDB\xmldb

The final xmldb is the actual package, yes?  The directory in the .pth
file should be one inside which Python can find packages, not a
package itself.  So the file should have just "c:\dev\XmlDB".  Then
when you do "import xmldb", Python will look inside the
"c:\dev\XmlDB", find the xmldb package, and import it.

> (I've tried the slashes the other way, too, but it doesn't seem to work).
> Is the only solution to delete the installed library and add the dev folder 
> to my site.py file?

The preferred solution here is to use virtualenv to set up your
development environment without having to modify the installed version
in the system site-packages at all.


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