On 9/3/2011 5:34 PM, William Gill wrote:
On 9/3/2011 3:15 PM, Terry Reedy wrote:
William Gill wrote:

During some recent research, and re-familiarization with Python, I came
across documentation

Ours, or someone else's?


Since in Python, everything is an object, that would mean that every
function has to be a method, which would mean creating classes just to
have a class to attach functions to. How awful.

Exactly why I asked, but I realize the the mistake was mine. I think
they were talking about "functional programming" not "using functions in
an OO program."

It is possible that our doc was less than crystal clear. We are constantly improving it where we can see fixable faults. If you run across whatever it was and it still seems a bit muddy, post something again.

Terry Jan Reedy


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