On 10/4/2011 9:07 PM, Alan Meyer wrote:

... and to write up a comparison of the pros and cons of the global and
no-global approaches.  ...

Of course you'll need to be fair in evaluating the students comparisons. Some bright students are likely to come up with good reasons for using globals in some situations, and they might even be right. Or if they're not completely right, they might nevertheless be partly right. They should get high marks for that.

You could even make up an exercise where the students are assigned to write a program that uses a global that could NOT be better implemented without globals. Then ask one or two of the authors of the better programs to defend their programs in front of the class.

It's always a mistake to read student papers with preconceived, set in concrete ideas about what's right and what's wrong. Many years ago when I was teaching (philosophy, not computer science), in every class I taught there was always at least one student who taught me something I didn't know, or taught me that something I thought I knew was wrong.


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