Loving the offtopic guys, sorry I have to go back to my problem now..

In the module I want to import I have a few import statements for Maya
commands that don't work outside Maya unless I use the Maya standalone
So before I import this module I need to make sure I import maya and
I make sure I place the correct paths in sys.path, but I get the following
    import maya.standalone
undefined symbol: cgGetParameterBufferIndex
Now, I've googled this error and couldn't find anything on it and I'd have
no idea why it wouldn't work. It's not a python related error so I
understand if you couldn't help me with this, but since you've asked :D

I am thinking of using eval for each line in the module i want to import
(instead of importing it )  and just ignoring the maya related commands.
I can't and shouldn't edit any of these modules, I instead have to parse
them and interpret the parameters types without actually executing the

Thanks a lot,

On 15 November 2011 18:58, Jean-Michel Pichavant <jeanmic...@sequans.com>wrote:

> David Riley wrote:
>> On Nov 15, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Andreea Babiuc wrote:
>>> On 15 November 2011 17:24, Chris Kaynor <ckay...@zindagigames.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> As with any Python code, you can wrap the import into a try: except
>>> block.
>>> try:
>>>  import badModule
>>> except:
>>>  pass # Or otherwise handle the exception - possibly importing an
>>> alternative module.
>>> Hmm, I know this might sound silly, but if it fails I still want to
>>> import the module and disable those lines of code that are related to the
>>> reason while the module failed to be imported in the first place.  Even if
>>> that makes the code not 100% correct.
>>> Does that make sense ?
>> It makes sense.  It probably also makes sense to only do an "except
>> ImportError", since if there are other errors (say, syntax errors in a
>> module you're trying to import, rather than its absence, you probably want
>> to know about it.
>> To disable code that won't work without the module you're trying to
>> import, you can always set flags in your module.  For example, I've got a
>> project at work that can use a variety of communications interfaces,
>> including using PySerial for serial port comms.  But if someone doesn't
>> have PySerial installed, I want it to fail gracefully and just not support
>> serial.  So I can do the following:
>> try:
>>   import serial
>>   _serial_enabled = True
>> except ImportError:
>>   print("PySerial not installed - serial ports not supported!")
>>   _serial_enabled = False
>> And then elsewhere in my module, I can check the value of _serial_enabled
>> to see if I should e.g. list the serial ports in available communications
>> interfaces.
>> Of course, if there's some other error in PySerial (maybe I installed a
>> broken version with a syntax error?), that error will get propagated up,
>> which is a good thing, because I'd rather know that PySerial is broken than
>> just have it tell me it's not installed (which is what would happen if I
>> simply caught all exceptions).  Your mileage may vary.
>> - Dave
> If I'm not wrong the OP wants to disable the line *in the module being
> imported*, which is kindof silly and doesn't make sense to answer his
> question.
> Anreea, tell us why the module you are importing is failing and if this
> module is yours, we may provide you a proper way to handle this situation
> (though I'm pretty sure everything is in Dave's proposal).
> JM
> PS : @Dave there is a way to avoiding adding symbols to your global
> namespace, assign None to the module's name on import errors. Then before
> using it, just test the module bool value : if serial:
> serial.whateverMethod()

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