I am saving it with .py extention

-----Original Message-----
From: python-list-bounces+atadesse=sunedison....@python.org
[mailto:python-list-bounces+atadesse=sunedison....@python.org] On Behalf
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 12:01 PM
To: python-list@python.org
Subject: Re: Python 2.7.2 on XP

On 23/11/2011 15:40, Alemu Tadesse wrote:
> I am new to python. I do not know why my python editor (for 2.7.2)
> changes everything to just black and white after saving.

If you're using IDLE, are you saving the file without the .py
extension? That could be the problem.

> No color for say the built in functions for loops defs .... they all
> look the same - it is annoying for someone coming from another
> editors that help you track/easily see your work. I just un installed
> it to install it again. I know it is pain to install all the
> scientific things again. I wish Python has something like R
> (R-studio) from which you can install packages very easily. I just
> started yesterday and already frustrated with it. I am sticking to
> python only because I hear good things about it and I think it is my
> problem.

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