On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 00:18:44 +0100, Alexander Kapps wrote:

> Now, we are talking about Python 3.2.* on Win7, correct? I only have
> Win7 32bit in a VBox VM, but still.

I believe that W. eWatson's problems occurred when he installed a 32-bit 
version of Python 3.2 on a 64-bit version of Windows 7. Either the 32-bit 
installer doesn't set the default file associations correctly on 64-bit 
systems, or W. eWatson has mangled his registry by making arbitrary 
changes to file associations, and now even the correct 64-bit installer 
can't set the associations correctly.

As far as I can tell, nobody running the 64-bit version of Windows 7 has 
chimed in to either confirm or refute W. eWatson's claim that IDLE 
doesn't show up, so we have no way of telling whether it doesn't show up 
due to a lack in the installer, or because eWatson has (slightly) broken 
his system and has inadvertently prevented it from showing up.

Fixing the associations is a Windows issue, not a Python issue. Even if 
it turns out that the installer does neglect to set up menu commands for 
IDLE (which should be reported as a feature request on the bug tracker), 
this is not a problem best solved here, although we can do our best. It 
would be best solved on a Window forum, where experts on Windows can give 


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