On 2011-12-09, Miki Tebeka <miki.teb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Any recommendations for a book authoring system that supports the following:
> 1. Code examples (with syntax highlighting and line numbers)
> 2. Output HTML, PDF, ePub ...
> 3. Automatic TOC and index
> 4. Search (in HTML) - this is a "nice to have"


I've used asciidoc extensively and reStructuredText a little. Asciidoc
will produce all the formats you mentioned (though I've only refularly
used HTML and PDF). reStructuredText is what's used for Python docs
isn't it?

> Can I somehow use Sphinx?

Don't know what Sphinx is.

And there's always the old stand-by LaTeX, but it's a bit more
heavyweight with more of a learning curve.  OTOH, it does produce
text-book quality output.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! BELA LUGOSI is my
                                  at               co-pilot ...

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