Hey everyone,

I've been using PyCharm for the past month and only just hit an issue
that I'm hoping someone else may have some experience with resolving.
My problem has to do with PyCharm storing project configuration files
in its .idea folder inside the project.

This is both a mix of project-level settings and individual
customisations. The recommendation is to check this folder into the
repo as well  - excluding the files of individual settings - but I'm
the only developer here using PyCharm and polluting the project with
one user's settings would not be received well. More so, even if I
_did_ this, I'd still need to be storing my individual settings

So what I'm currently doing is having git ignore the .idea folder, and
then subsequently turning the folder into its own repo and storing it
separately. Ideally I'd just like to be able to have all of the
project-config folders in one user-definable location, but I haven't
found any way to do that.

Has any one else hit this issue, and if so, any tips of resolving it

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