On 12/15/2011 09:34 AM, Nathan Rice wrote:
I just ran into this yesterday, and I am curious if there is a
rational behind it...

I have a class that uses a dictionary to dispatch from other classes
(k) to functions for those classes (v).  I recently ran into a bug
where the dictionary would report that a class which was clearly in
the dictionary's keys was giving a KeyError.  id() produced two
distinct values, which I found to be curious, and
issubclass/isinstance tests also failed.  When I inspected the two
classes, I found that the only difference between the two was the
__module__ variable, which in one case had a name relative to the
current module (foo), and in another case had the fully qualified name
(bar.foo).  When I went ahead and changed the import statement for the
module to import bar.foo rather than import foo, everything worked as
expected.  My first thought was that I had another foo module in an
old version of the bar package somewhere on my pythonpath;  After a
thorough search this proved not to be the case.

Has anyone else run into this?  Is this intended behavior?  If so, why?

Hard to tell with such generic information. But I'm guessing you imported your script from some other module, creating a circular import sequence. The circular can be a problem in its own right. But even worse, if the script is part of the chain is that it's loaded twice, with different names. And any top-level items, such as classes, will be instantiated twice as well. is your script called foo.py by any chance?




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