Saqib Ali <> wrote:

> I want to write a pexpect script that simply cd's into a directory ("~/
> install") and then runs a command from there. It should be so easy.
> But even my cd command is failing. Can't figure out what the problem
> is. The command line prompt is "[my machine name here] % "
> Here is the code fragment:
>     print "Spawning Expect"
>     p = pexpect.spawn ('/bin/tcsh',)

If you execute /bin/tcsh by hand, do you get a "%" prompt?


>     print "Sending cd command"
>     i = p.expect([pexpect.TIMEOUT, "%",])
>     assert i != 0, "Time-Out.... exiting"
>     p.sendline("cd ~/install")
> Here is the output:
> Spawning Expect
> Sending cd command
> Time-Out.... exiting
> How could I be screwing something so simple up??
> -- 

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