On 12/24/2011 11:09 PM, GZ wrote:

I run into a weird problem. I have a piece of code that looks like the

f(...., a=None, c=None):
     assert  (a==None)==(c==None)


At first glance this looked like it should be a simple boolean "and", but then I realized that when a and c are both unequal to None, the result would also be True. This implies the logical approach would be exclusive-or (^). Try this expression:

     not ((a==None) ^ (c==None))

OTOH, if what you really want is simply to check that both are None (my first impression), then it's simply:

     (a==None) and (c==None)

Most of the replies you're getting here seem unnecessarily complicated.


    -=- Larry -=-

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