On 3/13/12 3:59 PM, ferreirafm wrote:
Hi Robert,
Thanks for you kind replay and I'm sorry for my semantic mistakes.
Indeed, that's what I'm doing: qsub-ing different cshell scripts. Certainly,
that's not the best approach and the only problem.

It's not a problem to write out a script and have qsub run it. That's a perfectly fine thing to do. You need to read the documentation for your job queue to find out the right arguments to give to qsub to make it wait until the first job finishes before executing the second job. This is not a Python problem. You just need to find the right flags to give to qsub.

Alternately, you could just make a single .qsub script running all three of your programs in a single job instead of making three separate .qsub scripts.

I've unsuccessfully tried
to set an os.environ and call qsub from it. However, subprocess.Popen seems
not accept to run "qsub" over a second program. Do you have a over come to
this issue?
Code goes here:

When you report a problem, you should copy-and-paste the output that you got and also state the output that you expected. I have no idea what you mean when you say "subprocess.Popen seems not accept to run "qsub" over a second program."

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


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