On Wednesday, 14 March 2012 14:16:35 UTC, JoeM  wrote:
> Hi All,
>      I'm having issues including a {block} of content from Jinja2
> template into a jQueryUI tab. Does anyone know if such a thing is
> possible? An example is below, which gives me a 500 error when loading
> the page.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> <script>
>       $(function() {
>               $( "#tabs" ).tabs();
>       });
> </script>
>       <ul>
>               <li><a href="#tabs-Sum">Summary</a></li>
>               <li><a href="#tabs-Maps">Maps</a></li>
>               <li><a href="#tabs-Tables">Tables</a></li>
>               <li><a href="#tabs-Ani">Animations</a></li>
>               <li><a href="#tabs-Def">Definitions</a></li>
>       </ul>
>             {% block map_content %} {% endblock %}
>       </div>
> </div>

Firstly, this isn't really a Python language question - although jinja2 is a 
commonly used module for web frameworks.

Secondly, the code looks fine, except we don't know what's in the map_content 

Thirdly, 500 is an internal server error - so it's possible it's nothing to do 
with any of this anyway -- could you provide a more comprehensive error message?


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