In article <4f8ff38c$0$1381$>,
 Kiuhnm <> wrote:

> I don't like when a community imposes style on a programmer. For 
> instance, many told me that I shouldn't use camelCase and I should 
> adhere to PEP8.
> Well, that's not me. I write my code the way I like it and if that is 
> frowned upon by some "standardizing" community, so be it.
> I want to retain my freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression is fine, until you have to work in a big group.  
The more everybody uses the same style, the easier it is for everybody 
to understand everybody else's code.

There's another nice thing about PEP-8, or at least about the concept of 
an official global style.  I've been in groups where a huge amount of 
time has been wasted arguing about style.  In my current gig, when it 
came time to decide on a style, the conversation went something like one 
person suggesting we just use PEP-8 and everybody else nodding in 
agreement.  In 2 minutes, we saved many person-months of arguing.

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