Am 24.04.2012 15:25 schrieb rusi:

Identity, sameness, equality and the verb to be are all about the same
concept(s) and their definitions are *intrinsically* circular; see

Mybe in real life language. In programming and mathematics there are several forms of equality, where identity (≡) is stronger than equality (=).

Two objects can be equal (=) without being identical (≡), but not the other way.

As the ≡ is quite hard to type, programming languages tend to use other operators for this.

E.g., in C, you can have

int a;
int b;
a = 4;
b = 4;

Here a and b are equal, but not identical. One can be changed without changing the other.


int x;
int *a=&x, *b=&x;

*a and *b are identical, as they point to the same location.

*a = 4 results in *b becoming 4 as well.

In Python, you can have the situations described here as well.

You can have a list and bind it to 2 names, or you can take 2 lists and bind them to that name.

a = [3]
b = [3]

Here a == b is True, while a is b results in False.


And the seeming simplicity of the circular definitions hide the actual
complexity of 'to be'
for python:
(footnote 7)
for math/philosophy:


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