On 04/26/2012 03:09 AM, viral shah wrote:
> Hi
> I'm very new to Python programming.
> Please help me to add date and time !
> Following is the code done by me.
> import datetime
> class Module
>     type(datetime.datetime)
> Now what's the next to do for displaying date and time ?

Your subject line says you want to SET date and time.  But the body of
your message says you want to display it.

See http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html, which I got to by
searching the docs for datetime.

For date, try

import datetime
today = datetime..date.today()
datestr = today.isoformat()
print datestr

now =datetime.datetime.today()
datetimestr = now.isoformat()
print datetimestr

For more flexibility, look up datetime.strftime()




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