Kiuhnm wrote:
I'd like to change the syntax of my module 'codeblocks' to make it more pythonic.

Current Syntax:

    with res << func(arg1) << 'x, y':
        print(x, y)

    with res << func(arg1) << block_name << 'x, y':
        print(x, y)

New Syntax:

    with res == func(arg1) .taking_block (x, y):
        print(x, y)

    with res == func(arg1) .taking_block (x, y) as block_name:
        print(x, y)

The full form is equivalent to

    def anon_func(x, y):
        print(x, y)
    res = func(arg1, block_name = anon_func)


I don't find either the current syntax nor the new syntax pythonic.


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