
Notice cross-post, I hope you bear over with me for doing that (and I imagine that some of you also like python in the matlab-group like myself)...

Python vs. Matlab:

from numpy import matrix
from numpy import linalg
A = matrix( [[1,2,3],[11,12,13],[21,22,23]] )
print "A="
print A
print "A.I (inverse of A)="
print A.I

A.I (inverse of A)=
[[  2.81466387e+14  -5.62932774e+14   2.81466387e+14]
 [ -5.62932774e+14   1.12586555e+15  -5.62932774e+14]
 [  2.81466387e+14  -5.62932774e+14   2.81466387e+14]]

>> A=[1 2 3; 11 12 13; 21 22 23]

A =

     1     2     3
    11    12    13
    21    22    23

>> inv(A)
Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.
         Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 1.067522e-17.

ans =

   1.0e+15 *

    0.3002   -0.6005    0.3002
   -0.6005    1.2010   -0.6005
    0.3002   -0.6005    0.3002

Python vs. Matlab:

So Matlab at least warns about "Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled", which python (and I guess most other languages) does not...

Which is the most accurate/best, even for such a bad matrix? Is it possible to say something about that? Looks like python has a lot more digits but maybe that's just a random result... I mean.... Element 1,1 = 2.81e14 in Python, but something like 3e14 in Matlab and so forth - there's a small difference in the results...

With python, I would also kindly ask about how to avoid this problem in the future, I mean, this maybe means that I have to check the condition number at all times before doing anything at all ? How to do that?

I hope you matlabticians like this topic, at least I myself find it interesting and many of you probably also program in some other language and then maybe you'll find this worthwhile to read about.

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