I am trying to work with HW peripherals on Raspberry Pi
To achieve this, it is necessary read/write some values from/to the
memory directly.

I am looking for some wise way how to organize the bit twiddling.

To set some specific bit, for example, it is necessary:
    - read 4 bytes string representation (I am using mmap)
    - transform it to the corresponding integer (I am using numpy)
    - do some bit masking over this integer
    - transport integer to the string representation (numpy again)
    - write it back to the memory

In other words I mean: is there wise way to create an instrument/
machinery to define Class and then simply define all necessary objects
and set the bit values over object attributes so the whole bit-
twiddling remains under the hood.

LED01 = GPIO(4)  # gpio PIN number 4 is assigned to the LED01 name

gpio = GPIO()
LED01 = gpio.pin04
LED01 = 1 # led diode is shining (or gpio pin 4 is set)
LED01 = 0 # led diode is off

General suggestions, how to organise this work are more then welcome.

Petr Jakes

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