On Sat, 19 May 2012 09:15:39 +0100
Arnaud Delobelle <arno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 19 May 2012 06:23, John O'Hagan <resea...@johnohagan.com> wrote:
> >
> > How to generate only the distinct permutations of a sequence which are not
> > rotationally equivalent to any others? More precisely, to generate only the
> > most "left-packed" of each group of rotationally equivalent permutations,
> > such that for each permutation p:
> This makes me think of Lyndon words.  A Lyndon word is a word which is
> the only lexicographical minimum of all its rotations.  There is a
> very effective way of generating Lyndon words of length <= n.  It may
> be possible to adapt it to what you want (obviously as Lyndon words
> are aperiodic you'd have to generate Lyndon word of length d | n when
> suitable).

Thanks for your suggestion. The Lyndon word generators I found were not
quite what I was after as they didn't guarantee giving sequences with the same
elements. but your suggestion led me to necklaces:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necklace_ (combinatorics)
of which Lyndon words represent a special aperiodic case. I found these
algorithms for generating necklaces:


which seems to be exactly what I want. Thanks!


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