Hi all

I have a situation where I thought using weakrefs would save me a bit of effort.

I have a basic publish/subscribe scenario. The publisher maintains a list of listener objects, and has a method whereby a listener can subscribe to the list by passing in 'self', whereupon it gets added to the list.

When the publisher has something to say, it calls a pre-defined method on each of the listeners. Simple, but it works.

The listeners are fairly transient, so when they go out of scope, I need to remove them from the list maintained by the publisher. Instead of keeping track of all of them and removing them explicitly, I thought of using weakrefs and let them be removed automatically.

It almost works. Here is an example -

import weakref

class A:  # the publisher class
    def __init__(self):
        self.array = []
    def add_b(self, b):
        self.array.append(weakref.ref(b, self.del_b))
    def del_b(self, b):
    def chk_b(self, ref):
        for b in self.array:

class B:  # the listener class
    def __init__(self, a, name):
        self.name = name
    def hallo(self, ref):
        print(self.name, 'hallo from', ref)
    def __del__(self):
        print('%s deleted' % self.name)

a = A()
x = B(a, 'test x')
y = B(a, 'test y')
z = B(a, 'test z')
del x
del y
del z

The output is as expected -

test x hallo from 1
test y hallo from 1
test z hallo from 1
test x deleted
test y hallo from 2
test z hallo from 2
test y deleted
test z hallo from 3
test z deleted

Then I tried weakref.proxy.

I changed
        self.array.append(weakref.ref(b, self.del_b))
        self.array.append(weakref.proxy(b, self.del_b))

I got the same result.

Then I varied the order of deletion - instead of x, then y, then z, I tried x, then z, then y.

Now I get the following traceback -

test x hallo from 1
test y hallo from 1
test z hallo from 1
test x deleted
test y hallo from 2
test z hallo from 2
Exception ReferenceError: 'weakly-referenced object no longer exists' in <bound
method A.del_b of <__main__.A object at 0x00A8A750>> ignored
test z deleted
test y hallo from 3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "F:\junk\weaklist.py", line 70, in <module>
  File "F:\junk\weaklist.py", line 51, in chk_b
ReferenceError: weakly-referenced object no longer exists
test y deleted

If I go back to using weakref.ref, but with the new deletion order, it works.

So now I am confused.

1. Why do I get the traceback?

2. Can I rely on using weakref.ref, or does that also have some problem that has just not appeared yet?

Any advice will be appreciated.

BTW, I am using python 3.2.2.


Frank Millman


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