We are using a virtual web server running some version of Unix. It has Python versions 2.4,2.6 and 3.1 pre-installed.

(BTW the intention is to use Python for a CGI script.)

When my script imports subprocess I get the traceback
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 427, in <module>
    import select
ImportError: No module named select

On searching the Python installation I found what I presume is the select module library file


whereas in the 2.4 installation the file is
and subprocess imports OK.

Anyone know why the version 2.6 select .so file should be renamed select_failed.so and so not able to be imported?

Of interest the 3.1 installation also has the select module file re-named select_failed.so.

Any help appreciated,

John Pote

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