On Jul 31, 2012, at 10:36 AM, cyrille.ler...@gmail.com wrote:

> - Do you know any *easy to use*, *easy to deploy* package to generate ".doc 
> like" documents ?
> - Do you have any suggestion to do it differently (maybe with native packages 
> ?)
> - As a python newby, I don't understand why you have to go through the pain 
> of installing packages since they should be able to work with just the 
> __init__.py files ? 
> Regards,
> Cyrille


May I suggest you use pip and, possibly, virtualenv?
pip makes it easy to install Python packages while virtualenv creates an 
isolated Python environment

For instance, I just installed docx and its dependencies with:

pip install docx lxml datutils PIL

And I did that inside a testing virtualenv, so I wouldn't mess up my Python 

pip and virtualenv make it really easy and painless to install Python packages.




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