On Aug 2, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

> SQLite has a neat feature where if you give it a the file-name of ':memory:' 
> the resulting table is in memory and not on disk.  I thought it was a cool 
> feature, but expanded it slightly: any name surrounded by colons results in 
> an in-memory table.
> I'm looking at the same type of situation with indices, but now I'm wondering 
> if the :name: method is not pythonic and I should use a flag (in_memory=True) 
> when memory storage instead of disk storage is desired.

        When converting from paradigms in other languages, I've often been 
tempted to follow the accepted pattern for that language, and I've almost 
always regretted it.

        When in doubt, make it as Pythonic as possible.

-- Ed Leafe


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