Gilles <> writes:

> To write a long-running web application, I'd like to some feedback
> about which option to choose.
> Apparently, the choice boilds down to this:
> - FastCGI
> - SCGI
> - WSGI
> It seems like FCGI and SCGI are language-neutral, while WSGI is
> Python-specific.
> Besides that, how to make an informed choice about which option to
> choose?

Obviously, this depends on your environment. Some hosters, web servers,
applications may directly support one interface and not others.

If you control your whole environment, I would look for a newer
approach. I do not know "SCGI" but I know that "WSGI" is fairly recent.
This means that during its design, "FastCGI" was already known and
not deemed to be sufficient. Thus, you can expect more features
(more modularisation, in this case) in "WSGI".


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