On 09/06/2012 08:01 PM, jimbo1qaz wrote:
> Is it faster to use bitshifts or floor division?
Yes, and yes.  Without doing any measurement, I'd expect that in
CPython, it makes negligible performance difference for ordinary ints
(under 2**31, more or less).  Ordinary ints can be done with single
instructions, and any such instruction would be a tiny fraction of the
opcode overhead.

One place were there might be a difference would be for longs.  The
implementation of those would have to be a loop, and eventually one
might be faster than the other.  At that point, maybe you'd want to measure.

>  And which is better, & or %?
> All divisors and mods are power of 2, so are binary operations faster? And 
> are they considered bad style?

The better way is not the faster one, but rather is the one that more
clearly expresses the original problem.  If the problem is a modulo one,
use % (or frequently  divmod).  If the problem is a bit shift/masking
one, then use such operators.

BTW, '/'  on integers is redefined for Python 3.x to give float results,
and not to truncate.




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