Thanks, guys.
MRAB-RedHat 6 64-bit, Python 2.6.5
JM-Here's the relevant stuff from my last try. I've also tried with Just now I tried shell=True, but it made no difference.

sticking a print(out) in there just prints a blank line in between each 
iteration. It's not until the 5 trials are finished that I am told: download 
failed, etc.

from os.path import exists
from subprocess import call
from subprocess import Popen
from shlex import split
from time import sleep

while (exists(file)==0) and (nTries < 5):
   a = Popen(split('htar -xvf ' + htarArgs), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
   (out,err) = a.communicate()
   if exists(file)==0:
      nTries += 1

if exists(file)==0: # now that the file should be moved
   print('download failed: ' + file)
   return 1

I've also tried using shell=True with popopen.

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