On 25/09/2012 12:40, Tim Chase wrote:
On 09/25/12 06:10, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 25/09/2012 11:51, Tim Chase wrote:
If only other unnamed persons on the list were so gracious rather
than turning the flame-dial to 11.

Oh heck what have I said this time?

You'd *like* to take credit?  ;-)

Nah, not you or any of the regulars here.  The comment was regarding
the flame-fest that's been running in some parallel threads over the
last ~12hr or so.  Mostly instigated by one person with a
particularly quick trigger, vitriolic tongue, and a disregard for
pythonic code.


Well thank goodness for that. Of course the person to whom you've alluded has been defended over on the tutor mailing list, seriously, and as I've said elsewhere after referring to my family as pigs!!!


Mark Lawrence.


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