Op vrijdag 21 september 2012 16:15:30 UTC+2 schreef Joel Goldstick het volgende:
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:58 AM, BobAalsma wrote:
> > Op vrijdag 21 september 2012 15:36:11 UTC+2 schreef Jerry Hill het volgende:
> >> On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 9:31 AM, BobAalsma wrote:
> >>
> >> > Thanks, Joel, yes, but as far as I'm aware these would all require the 
> >> > Python programme to have the user's username and password (or 
> >> > "credentials"), which I wanted to avoid.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> No matter what you do, your web service is going to have to
> >>
> >> authenticate with the remote web site.  The details of that
> >>
> >> authentication are going to vary with each remote web site you want to
> >>
> >> connect to.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> Jerry
> >
> > Hmm, from the previous posts I get the impression that I could best solve 
> > this by asking the user for the specific combination of username, password 
> > and URL + promising not to keep any of that...
> >
> > OK, that does sound doable - thank you all
> I recommend that you write your program to read pages that are not
> protected.  Once you get that working, you can go back and figure out
> how you want to get the username/password from your 'friends' and add
> that in.  Also look up Beautiful Soup (version 4) for a great library
> to parse the pages that you retrieve
> >
> > Bob
> > --
> > http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> -- 
> Joel Goldstick


I've spent some time with this but don't really understand my results - some 
help would be appreciated.
I've built a tester that will read my LinkedIn home page, which is password 
When I use that method for reading other people's pages, the program is 
redirected to the LinkedIn login page.
When I paste the URLs for the other people's pages in any browser, the 
requested pages are shown.


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