On 2012-10-02 09:26:56 +0000, WhisperingWally said:

Gelonida N <gelonida <at> gmail.com> writes:

I wondered whether some of you have a little more insight into what's
going on with PIL.

AFAIK the latest PIL stuff lives here:


Certainly true, though somewhat meaningless in the current context of "what's going on with PIL?"[1]. The latest Pillow (PIL fork) lives here:

- https://github.com/python-imaging/Pillow

And if folks commit meaningful changes there, we'll get releases out as needed. In other words, you are welcome and encouraged to explore all your options. And if it helps, you can affect the future of PIL in a meaningful way via Pillow.


[1] The last commit to: http://hg.effbot.org/pil-2009-raclette was in 2011. Based on that information, the answer would appear to be "nothing", which is why Pillow exists.

Alex Clark ยท http://aclark.net


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