MartinD wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to Python.
> Does someone has an idea what's wrong.  I tried everything. The only regex 
> that is tested is the last one in a
> whole list of regex in keywords.txt
> Thanks!
> Martin
> ########
> def checkKeywords( str, lstKeywords ):
>       for regex in lstKeywords:
>               match =, str,re.IGNORECASE)
>               # If-statement after search() tests if it succeeded
>               if match:
>                       print ##just debugging
>                       return ## 'found!
>       return
> #########
> keywords1 = [line for line in open('keywords1.txt')]
> resultKeywords1 = checkKeywords("string_to_test",keywords1)
> print resultKeywords1

Hi Martin,
It is always helpful to provide python version, operating system version, full 
error message,
and input/expected output for the code. Now I can tell you are using Python 2.x 
without having any clue what is in keywords1.txt it is impossible to figure out
what the problem might be. Other than using regular expressions that is. :)

Ramit Prasad

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