In article <>,
 Gelonida N <> wrote:

> Another problem is, that paramiko depends on pycrypto 2.1+
> which doesn't exist as binary release for python 2.7

I'm running paramiko-1.7.6 with python 2.7.3 on my Ubunto Precise box.  
I'm reasonably sure all I did was "pip install paramiko".

On the other hand, it may have built it from source during the install.  
Generally, I just let pip do it's magic and don't worry about the 
details.  If you're in an environment where you don't have the compiler 
tool chain, you may be more constrained.

> Is fabric capable of performing scp / sftp

Fabric uses ssh to make connections, and it is capable of copying files.  
For all intents and purposes, I'd say that means it is capable of 
"performing scp / sftp" (both of which are just front-ends to the same 
basic ssh protocol.

But, keep in mind that fabric depends on paramiko.  If you can't get 
paramiko installed, you probably can't get fabric either.

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