On 10/05/2012 12:37 PM, Prasad, Ramit wrote:
I might be misunderstanding, but I think Etienne wants money in exchange for letting someone else take over.

Not to stir up the hornet's nest any more, but it also sounds like now he wants money for people to license things as well: "The license fee is simply because I'm shifting into commercial license for new releases"

Wait, new releases? I thought the project was "dead" ?

So, Etienne, are you continuing to maintain the project, or aren't you?
In your original "this project is dead" message, you said you had "been bitten by its failure to encourage a free market over one dictated by profit"

... yet now your desire is to be making money (presumably profit?) by selling us a license, so how does that differentiate from those you claim use "cheap tricks to compete" if you hijack a mailing list for several days by claiming you're shutting down the project then say you're charing for licenses which may lead people to believe you're going to KEEP maintaining it? Why on earth would I pay for a license to use code that is not being maintained? Seems like very strange logic to me.

Or by having someone pay you some quantity of money to take over as maintainer? I can think of no better way to just kill off a project than expect someone to pay money to take over as a maintainer. I don't recall ever hearing of such a thing in my experience with open-source projects...

I'm all about supporting open source projects when I gain value from them (I've donated thousands of dollars and countless hours), but Etienne's back-and-forth on this has me turned off from even wanting to try his project, much less support him. There are so many free places to host code/documentation these days, asking people to donate extra funds to maintain a custom domain name and hosting when free alternatives exist seems as unnecessary as having to pay money to become the next maintainer.



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