On 10/28/2012 09:09 PM, Michael Schumacher wrote:
Von: Donald Miller <damill...@gmail.com>
Can't directly save to jpg, so exported.
Export to jpg made png. Same for psd.
Shouldn't name track chosen format, so no manual override needed?
Maybe you had set the file-type chooser to this format?
The default "By extension" should do what you want, any other value is for 
special cases like you've discovered, like ambiguous file name extensions.

gimp-user-list mailing list
I am contending with a similar malfunction: I can export by extension, but when done Gimp closes. The exported file exists, but I need to restart Gimp after every export. No loss of capability, but annoying.

Judging by the flood of Gimp-related posts of late and the great variety of the issues raised, there seem to be major stability or environmental compatibility problems. I am running Gimp 2.6.12 on Ubunty 12.04. I found a Gimp user list (https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list) and intend to check it out the moment I get around to it.



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