On 11/07/2012 11:09 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Andrew Robinson
<andr...@r3dsolutions.com>  wrote:
OK, and is this a main use case?  (I'm not saying it isn't I'm asking.)
I have no idea what is a "main" use case.
Well, then we can't evaluate if it's worth keeping a list multiplier around at all.
You don't even know how it is routinely used.
FYI, the Python devs are not very fond of adding new keywords.  Any
time a new keyword is added, existing code that uses that word as a
name is broken.  'ini' is particularly bad, because 1) it's not a
word, and 2) it's the name of a common type of configuration file and
is probably frequently used as a variable name in relation to such
Fine; Its a keyword TBD then; I should have said 'foo'.
in is worse than ini, ini is worse than something else -- at the end of the rainbow, maybe there is something....
values = zip(   samples, [ lambda:times, ini xrange(num_groups) ]   )

     if len(values)<  len(times) * num_groups

How is this any better than the ordinary list comprehension I already
suggested as a replacement?  For that matter, how is this any better
than list multiplication?
You _asked it to implement_ a list multiplication of the traditional kind; By doing copies by *REFERENCE*; so of course it's not better.
My intentions were for copying issues, not-non copying ones.
   Your basic complaint about list
multiplication as I understand it is that the non-copying semantics
are unintuitive.
1) My basic complaint is that people (I think from watching) primarily use it to make initializer lists, and independent mutable place holders; List multiplication doesn't do that well. 2) If it is indeed very rare (as D'Aprano commented) then -- it has a second defect in looking to casual inspection to be the same as vector multiplication; which opacifies which operation is being done when matrix packages are potentially being used.

   Well, the above is even less intuitive.  It is
excessively complicated and almost completely opaque.  If I were to
come across it outside the context of this thread, I would have no
idea what it is meant to be doing.
Nor would I *know* what this list multiplier look alike does [1,2,3]*aValue without checking to see if someone imported a vector library and the variable aValue has a special multiplication operator.

As an aside, how would you do the lambda inside a list comprehension?
As a general rule, I wouldn't.  I would use map instead.
OK: Then copy by reference using map....:

values = zip(   map( lambda:times, xrange(num_groups) )   )
if len(values) < len(times) * num_groups ...

Done. It's clearer than a list comprehension and you still really don't need a list multiply. I''m not going to bother explaining what the construction I offered would be really good at.
It's pointless to explain to the disinterested.

Thak constructs a list of 10 functions and never calls them.  If you
want to actually call the lambda, then:
Yep, I was very tired.
slice.indices() has nothing to do with it. Indexing a sequence and calling the .indices() method on a slice are entirely different operations.
Yes, but you're very blind to history and code examples implementing the slice operation.
slice usually depends on index; index does not depend on slice.
Slice is suggested to be implemented by multiple calls to single indexes in traditional usage and documentation.

The xrange(,,)[:] implementation breaks the tradition, because it doesn't call index multiple times; nor does it return a result equivalent identical to doing that.

It's different. period. You're not convincing in the slightest by splitting hairs.


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