Chris Angelico wrote:
> What you really should be doing is not transforming the whole
> structure, but explicitly transforming each part inside it. I
> recommend you stop fighting the language and start thinking about your
> data as either *bytes* or *characters* and using the appropriate data
> types (bytes or str) everywhere. You'll then find that it makes
> perfect sense to explicitly translate (en/decode) from one to another,
> but it doesn't make sense to encode a list in UTF-8 or decode a
> dictionary from Latin-1.
> You may be able to do some kind of recursive cast that, in one sweep
> of your data structure, encodes all str objects into bytes using a
> given encoding (or the reverse thereof). But I don't think this is the
> best way to do things.

I would think the best way is to convert as you load the data.
That way everything is in the correct format as you manipulate
and generate new data.


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