danielk wrote:
> The database I'm using stores information as a 3-dimensional array. The 
> delimiters between elements are
> chr(252), chr(253) and chr(254). So a record can look like this (example only 
> uses one of the delimiters for
> simplicity):
> name + chr(254) + address + chr(254) + city + chr(254) + st + chr(254) + zip
> The other delimiters can be embedded within each field. For example, if there 
> were multiple addresses for 'name'
> then the 'address' field would look like this:
> addr1 + chr(253) + addr2 + chr(253) + addr3 + etc ...
> I use Python to connect to the database using subprocess.Popen to run a 
> server process. Python requests
> 'actions' like 'read' and 'write' to the server process, whereby the server 
> process performs the actions. Some
> actions require that the server send back information in the form of records 
> that contain those delimiters.
> I have __str__ and __repr__ methods in the classes but Python is choking on 
> those characters. Surely, I could
> convert those characters on the server before sending them to Python and that 
> is what I'm probably going to do,
> so guess I've answered my own question. On Python 2, it just printed the 
> 'extended' ASCII representation.
> I guess the question I have is: How do you tell Python to use a specific 
> encoding for 'print' statements when I
> know there will be characters outside of the ASCII range of 0-127?

You just need to change the string to one that is not 
trying to use the ASCII codec when printing. 

print(chr(253).decode('latin1')) # change latin1 to your 
                                 # chosen encoding.


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