On 11/15/2012 07:29 AM, chip9m...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have a stupid problem, for which I cannot find a solution...
> I have a python module, lets call it debugTest.py.
> and it contains:
> def test():
>     a=1
>     b=2
>     c=a+b
>     c
> so as simple as possible.
> Now I would like to debug it in eclipse.. (I have pydev and all)
> so the question is how do I debug the test function? (by debug I mean go into 
> it in the debugging mode and execute step by step, inspect the variables and 
> so on.. you know, like it is so easily done in Matlab for example).

I don't know Eclipse, but you probably have to have some top-level code
in your program.  As it stands, it's just an importable module, doing
nothing useful when you run it.

Add a call to test() to the end of the file, and it might do better. 
I'd also add a print statement, just to assure yourself that it's running.




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