On 11/20/2012 09:26 AM, inshu chauhan wrote:
>> def GenerateRing(x,y, N): Generates square rings around a point in data
>>> which has 300 columns(x) and 3000 rows(y)
>>>     indices = []
>>>     for i in xrange(-N, N):
>>>         indices.append((x+i, y-N))
>>>         indices.append((x+N, y+i))
>>>         indices.append((x-i, y+N))
>>>         indices.append((x-N, y-i))
>>>     return indices
>> Is it possible that N is greater than either x or y ?  Are negative
>> subscripts permissible?
>> You should consider doing the clipping logic in this function, perhaps
>> by passing xlimit and ylimit in as arguments.>
> Yes N cannot be greater than x and y and it cant be negative too...
>>      I need help in this part as I am unable to device a method in
>> which if the
>> points are out of index,it should stop and
>>                         if idx[0] >= 300 and idx[1] >= 3000:           go
>> to next centre and start generating rings from there.. and again if the
>> index is out of range .. this should repeat
> This is where you're trying to clip the values that may be outside of
>> the total matrix.
> Yes I am trying to clip the values here but its not working actually , I
> mean not at all working

So did you read the following paragraphs?  You should not be using "and"
in that expression.

>> You do not want "and" in that expression.  The way you've coded it,
>> it'll only skip items in which both indices are out of range.  Change it to
>>                   if idx[0] >= data.width or idx[1] >= data.height:
>> and depending on your answer to my earlier query, you may want to also
>> check if either subscript is negative.
>>>                             continue
>>>                         else :
>>>                             point = data[idx[0], idx[1]]
>>>                             if point == (0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ):
>>>                                 print point
>>>                                 continue
>>>                             else:
>>>                                 dist = distance(centre, point)
>>>                                 print dist
>>>                                 if  dist < radius :               and
>> rings
>>> should be added only when this condition is satisfied
>>>                                     print point
>>>                                     points.append(point)
>>>                                     change = True
>>>                                     print change
>>>                         break
>> Why do you want to terminate the loop after only iteration?
> I dint get your question ??

You have a break there.  What's it for?  It'll make sure you only
process one of the idx values from new_indices.  i doubt that's what you



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