On Thu, 22 Nov 2012 10:44:02 -0800, Mike wrote:

> Hello,
> I am noob en python programing,  i wrote a perl script for read from csv
> but now i wish print value but the value must be within double quote and
> I can not do this.
> For example now the output is:
> ma user@domain displayName Name SecondName givenName Name sn SecondName
> cn Name
> and i wish
> ma "user@domain" displayName "Name Lastname" givenName "Name" sn
> "SecondName" cn "Name"
> My script is
> #!/usr/bin/python import csv
> with open ('file.csv', 'rb') as f:
>       reader = csv.reader (f, delimiter=';' )
>       for row in reader:
>               mail     = row [0]
>               name     = row [1]
>               lastname = row [2]
>               name2  = row [1] + ' ' + row [2]
>               print  'ma ' + mail + ' displayName ' +  name2.title() + 
' givenName '
>               + name.title() + ' sn ' + lastname.title() + ' cn ' + 
>       #       print '\n'
> f.close()

concatenation is not the python way to build strings
double quotes can be included in single quoted strings ( & vice Versa)
try using the string formatting options, something like

print 'ma "{}" display name "{}" Given Name "{}" sn "{}" cn "{}"'.format

"Plan to throw one away.  You will anyway."
- Fred Brooks, "The Mythical Man Month"

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