On 06/12/2012 00:19, Bruno Dupuis wrote:

Another advice: never ever

except XXXError:

at least log, or count, or warn, or anything, but don't pass.

Really? I've used that kind of thing several times in my code. For example, there's a point where I have a list of strings and I want to create a list of those ints that are represented in string form in my list, so I do this:

listofints = []
for k in listofstrings:
        except ValueError:

Another example: I have a dialog box with an entry field where the user can specify a colour by entering a string, and a preview box showing the colour. I want the preview to automatically update when the user has finished entering a valid colour string, so whenever the entry field is modified I call this:

def preview(*args):
                previewbox.config(bg = str(entryfield.get()))
        except tk.TclError:

Is there a problem with either of the above? If so, what should I do instead?

I have made a thing that superficially resembles music:


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