On 12/21/2012 04:58 PM, Always Learning wrote:
> Sorry about that. I'm using Python 2.7.3, 32 bit one Windows 7.
> The errors I get are
>>> File 
>>> "C:\python27\lib\site-packages\scrapy-0.16.3-py2.7.egg\scrapy\selector\lxmlsel.py",
>>>  line 47, in select
>>> raise ValueError("Invalid XPath: %s" % xpath)
>>> exceptions.ValueError: Invalid XPath: /span[@class='team-name'/text()
> Ultimaly, I expect it to gather the team name in text, and then the odds in 
> one of the columns in text as well, so I can then put it into a .csv

Why are you displaying only the last 3 lines of the error message?
Unless your source code is lxmlsel.py, there are other stack levels
above this one.

(I can't help, but I'm trying to save some time for someone who can)




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