Den 06/01/13 15.20, Chris Angelico wrote:

That version should work.

Am 06.01.2013 15:30 schrieb Kurt Hansen:

It certainly does. I'll keep it and use it until at better solution is

On 08/01/13 15.18, Thomas Rachel wrote:
That would be simple:


output += '<td colspan="' + str(4-len(columns)) + '"\>' + item +
'</td\> '


if len(columns) >= 3:
     output += '<td\>'
     output += '<td colspan="' + str(4-len(columns)) + '"\>'
output += item + '</td\> '

(untested as well; keep the indentation in mind!)

Thanks, Thomas, but ...

The script stops right bofore
= 3:
    output += '<td\>'

This, and the rest of the script code is put out as the result, not my test.
Venlig hilsen
Kurt Hansen

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