Hi All--

Aahz wrote:
> Perhaps.  But adding the time to learn those IDEs in addition to the time
> to learn Java is ridiculous.  I've been forced to use Java a bit to
> support credit cards for our web application; I've got a friend whose
> Java-vs-Python argument hinges on the use of Eclipse; I was unable to
> make use of Eclipse in the time I had available for the project.

Were there _good_ reasons not to do the credit card part of the web app
in Java instead of Python?  As in, there is no secure module, or you
didn't have time, or Python doesn't support crucial APIs?  I'm very

> f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n nx prgrmmng.

l tk t.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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