On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 9:15 AM, Roy Smith <r...@panix.com> wrote:

> > $ prtstat 29937
> > Process: mongod            State: S (sleeping)
> > [...]
> > Memory
> >   Vsize:       1998285 MB
> >   RSS:         5428 MB
> >   RSS Limit: 18446744073709 MB
> If I counted the digits right, that 1.9 TB.  I love the RSS Limit.  I'll
> be really impressed when somebody builds a machine with enough RAM to
> reach that :-)


Look at co-compute2.  The indicated memory is available as shared memory
across all 512 cores.  And that's nothing---it can be configured with up to
64 TB of global shared memory:

Impressed? :)

All the best,

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