On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Rotwang <sg...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

> On 04/04/2013 14:49, Jason Swails wrote:
>> I've added some comments about the code in question as well...
>> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:45 PM, <teslafreque...@aol.com
>> <mailto:teslafreque...@aol.com**>> wrote:
>>     Hi, I am working with Tkinter, and I have set up some simple code to
>>     run:
>>     import tkinter
>>     import re
>>     from tkinter import *
>> If you import everything from tkinter into your top-level namespace,
>> then the "import tkinter" at the top serves no purpose.
> I don't know whether this applies to the OP's code, but I can think of at
> least one reason why one would want both "import module" and "from module
> import*" at the top of one's code: monkey patching.

That was not happening in the OP's code (it actually had no references to
tkinter after the initial import).  That said, if you change any attributes
inside tkinter (by binding names inside tkinter to another object) after
the top three lines, those changes will not percolate down to the
attributes imported via "from tkinter import *" -- you would obviously have
to do that work before importing the tkinter namespace into the toplevel

I'd be interested to see if there's actually an example where someone does
this in a way that would not be done better another way.  In any case, it
served no purpose in this particular program :).

All the best,

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