On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:07 PM, Timothy Madden <terminato...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Changing the tab size from this default is what makes the code incompatible,
> not the tabs themselves. So the solution is simple: do not change tab size
> from the default.

So in other words, everybody must be forced to use 8-character tabs
because you want to be able to mix tabs and spaces.

> People say I can use tabs all the way, just set them to the indent I want.
> Well, I always had my indent independent of the tab size. Which is the way
> it should be, after all, since one can indent with or without tabs, so
> indent should not be tied to them.
> But now I can not; python no longer lets me do that.

Honestly, I really don't understand why you *want* to do that.  If
your indentation is 4 characters, then that would be the natural tab
width to use.  If you're not going to tie your indent to your tabs,
then why even use tabs in the first place?

> The new rules may look flexible at first sight, but the net effect they have
> is they push me to use non-default tab size (which is not good),

What makes that not good?  There is no law anywhere that says tabs are
8 characters.  That's just an arbitrary amount that looked appropriate
to the people designing the first teletypes.

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