On 2013-04-06, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
> On 04/05/2013 10:36 PM, Timothy Madden wrote:
>> 8-character tab stops should be the default. Debating that is I believe 
>> another topic, and compatibility with python2
>> should be enough to make that debate unnecessary.
> Python 3 broke a lot of things.  Pull on your big-boy underwear and
> deal with it.

Python 3 requires that you wear _underwear_?

That seems entirely arbitrary, and violates the god-given rights of
telecommuters to write code wearing nothing but a bathrobe!

Hell, for all I know, there may be people who go into the office
without underwear. Though I think the lonely, unbathed, unshaven,
robe-wearing telecommuter will be the poster-child for the worldwide
campaign against the undwearist fascists trying to impose their
sartorial dictates on Python users.  Next, we need to pick a song...


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