
> I am trying to create 2D arrays without using advanced features like
> numpy, 

I'd say that using ctypes is a bit more "advanced" than *using* numpy 
because with ctypes it helps to know C.

> for this I have created 2 separate modules and
> Here's the code for that:
- You should absolutely go with numpy
- If you insist on building your own use lists of lists as suggested
- If you need something more space efficient than lists have a look at

rather than ctypes.

Now on to some debugging, without looking into the details.

> import arrays
> class Array2D :
>     # Creates a 2-D array of size numRows x numCols.
>     def __init__( self, numRows, numCols ):
>     # Create a 1-D array to store an array reference for each row.
>         self._theRows = arrays.Array( numRows )

Here you create an instance of your array of integers...

>         # Create the 1-D arrays for each row of the 2-D array.
>         print "Num of Cloumns is", numCols
>         for i in range( numRows ) :
>             self._theRows[i] = arrays.Array( numCols )

...and here you are stuffing arrays.Array instances into that array of 
integers. In nuce:

>>> import ctypes
>>> class C: pass # classic class
>>> items = (ctypes.c_int * 3)()
>>> items[0] = C()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: C instance has no attribute '__trunc__'

ctypes unhelpfully tries to truncate the value to convert it into an 
integer. As an aside here's an example of a successful conversion:

>>> class C2:
...     def __trunc__(self): return 42
>>> items[0] = C2()
>>> items[0]

There are basically two resolutions:

- adjust the type of the outer array or
- use a single 1D array internally and calculate the index as
  row * width + column (for example).


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